How and Why You Should Do Keyword Research For Every Blog Article

24th Oct 2024

Joe SEO Blog.

Why Your Articles Are Not Ranking

Have you ever wondered why your well-crafted articles never rank on search engines? 

Maybe you are not targeting the exact keywords as those searching for your content. 

Joe created a simple article keyword checker that mimics paid options like the Semrush article writing feature. But before trying to find keywords in an article, you need to do the keyword research.

How Important Are Keywords?

Welcome to the world of SEO, where keywords are the compass that guides your content to the right audience.

If you’re new to content creation, you might wonder why there’s so much buzz about keyword research.

Let’s explore the why and how of keyword research and introduce you to two tools that can make this process easy.

Why Keyword Research Matters

Keyword Research for article writing is essential for every business that intends to target its clients through article writing. 

Imagine you’ve written the most insightful article on ‘The Best Coffee Shops in Nairobi,’ but no one can find it when they search online. 

That’s where keyword research comes in. It’s finding words and phrases people use in search engines related to your content.

Here’s why it’s crucial:

  1. Visibility: Using the right keywords can place your article in front of the right eyes.
  2. Relevance: It ensures that your content meets the needs of those searching for information.
  3. Competition: Knowing what keywords your competitors rank for can help you carve out your niche.

How To Know Which Keywords To Target

Google Ads Keyword Planner is your friend.

The video in this article (scroll up) shows how to use Google Ads Keyword Planner, a free tool for researching keywords. 

With the tool, you'll find related keywords that you should also target in your article by naturally integrating the keywords into your content. 

Avoid keyword stuffing, however necessary you believe your content is.

After you have the keywords, you must know if your article uses all or most of them.

That is why Joe created the keyword checker for articles and website keyword scanner for its clients and friends to use as an article keyword density checker.

The tool will help you know which keywords have been used and which ones are missing.

How Our Keyword Checker Tool Helps

Our Keyword Checker tool is designed to help ensure your content is optimized effectively.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Input Keywords: Enter your chosen keywords into our tool.
  2. Analyze Content: Paste your article and let the tool analyze the keyword usage.
  3. Optimize: The tool highlights used keywords and lists unused ones, helping you optimize your content.

Step-by-Step Keyword Research Process

Now, let’s walk through the keyword research process:

  • Brainstorm: Start with topics related to your content and brainstorm potential keywords.
  • Use Tools: Utilize Google Ads Keyword Planner to expand your list and find related terms.
  • Analyze: Look at the search volume and competition for each keyword.
  • Select: Choose relevant keywords and balance search volume and competition well.
  • Integrate: Naturally incorporate these keywords into your content.
  • Check: Use our Keyword Checker tool to ensure you’ve used your keywords effectively.

Remember, keyword research isn’t just about getting traffic; it’s about getting the right traffic.

By following these steps and using our tool, you can increase the chances of your content being seen and appreciated by those who truly value it.

Happy writing and success in your content creation.

Joe SEO Consultant
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