Invoiced To:
Alex Farnandes
450 E 96th St, Indianapolis, WRHX+8Q
IN 46240, United States

Invoice No: #935648

Date: 22/03/2023

SL Item Description Price Qty Total
01 Six web page designs and three times revision $250.00 1 $250.00
02 Android & Ios Application Development $100.00 3 $300.00
03 Convert pixel-perfect frontend and make it dynamic $100.00 2 $200.00
04 Facebook, YouTube and Google Marketing $150.00 1 $150.00
Payment Info:

Account No: 1234 5678 9012
A/C Name: Anthony Mithon

Terms & Conditions

Authoritatively envisioned business
action items through parallel.

Sub Total: $782.00
Tax: $00.00
Discount: $82.00
Total: $700.00

NOTE: This is computer generated receipt and
does not require physical signature.